The Economic Assistance Center of San Francisco:
What: A center for those who have experienced unemployment in the recent economic times. Provides job search options, advising, a children's play center, and education facilities.
Why: This center symbolizes hope and provides opportunities for a renewed lifestyle when facing unemployment
Eventually the idea formulated into this image. The resulting skin is created as a "living wall" symbolizing renewed life and a personal "Garden of Eden" to struggling guests.
The green skin also:
1. Regulates lighting and shades the building
2. Grows edible plants to sell at the shop inside, providing job opportunities and revenue
3. Separates the crowded San Francisco city area from the calm atmosphere within the space

A view inside the educational facility with views outside. --->
<--- And here we have the interstitial space between the two structures. The idea is that as one leaves the counseling spaces and proceeds to the educational facility, one exits the space of looking within and enters the spaces which are meant to guide them outward back into society (hence the extended views and openness). The interstitial walkway then becomes a symbolic icon.
Here are some other additional studies on the space.
<--- 1. Light study done in 3DS Max.
<--- 2. Study of the structure. San Francisco is an earthquake zone, taken into account with shear walls and lateral bracing
<--- Study evaluating the watering system for the living wall
<--- Elevational drawing done from Revit, to AutoCAD, to Illustrator
Transverse Section
And there you have it, a functional and serene space to provide the unemployed with a new outlook on life. Hopefully we can all find this sort of peace as we navigate the unpredictable world in which we live.